Tuesday, October 4, 2011

America's Hunting Heritage

Fall is here, the leaves are changing color and the mornings are cool. My eldest son and I are going to try our hand at deer hunting next month. Of course we'll be taking along our trusty old Mosin Nagant rifle, and I hope we can take a deer with it, and put some venison meat in our family freezer. We've only shot the rifle at the local gun range at paper targets, but I've always wanted to try it out for hunting. Our deer hunting will only be a day trip, and I'm just planning to walk the woods in the hope of spotting a deer. Hunting for me is not exactly a passion, but I do enjoy the outdoors, and hunting is a good way to do so. Hunting is a cherished tradition in America, and we are blessed to live in a country where hunting rights are protected and preserved. Many countries don't have the luxury of large tracts of public land to hunt on, nor laws that allow them to do so. America has a long tradition with hunting that goes back to the Pilgrim fathers and colonies of the 17th century. Hunting is a valuable activity for the economy, and promotes preservation and protection of natural resources. Bye for now, and happy hunting!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Americas' Energy Resources

Here are my thoughts, and personal views on energy production in America, and the damage to the nuclear power station in Japan recently.
Opponents of nuclear power speak of the danger of nuclear power plants. I agree that they pose a serious risk to people and the environment because of the risk (however small) of meltdown, explosion, and the inherent danger of nuclear waste material. However, I feel that many things in our daily life pose a danger to us, and with a higher probability or risk as well.
The security of any nation can be linked to its energy dependence. We in America are truly blessed by God, with abundant natural resources, and a high level of scientific and technical knowledge. I think of the Japanese empire in the 1930's, and its nearly total dependency on raw material and energy imports. That fact alone, was one of the major reasons for Japan attacking Pearl Harbor, and World War Two in the Pacific.
America needs large amounts of dependable, and inexpensive energy to operate and maintain our lifestyle. We truly cannot afford to put artificial limits on our energy production. I feel we need to drill for oil here in America (Alaska too!), and continue mining for coal and natural gas. AND we also need to promote investment and exploration of solar, wind and other renewable sources of energy.
We are so blessed as a nation, and I feel we can have a greater measure of energy Independence, and a clean environment! So, don't fear, but trust in God, and take pride in America!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Signs Of The Times - 'The End Of Days'

Have you noticed the turmoil in the news today? Earthquakes everywhere, major flooding, unusual severe weather; major uprisings in the Middle East; an upward trend of violence and hatred here in America, and worldwide; economic recession, depression and collapse. You may be interested to know that there is a book that foretells and speaks about all these things and more - the Holy Bible!
As a Chistian man, I can tell you that I'm not surprised by all the news headlines I see today. What I read in my Bible talks about all these same things, and much more. I am troubled by the world today, the same as you may be, but I take strength from my faith in Jesus Christ, and reading the Holy Bible.
As long as I have Jesus Christ in my heart, I really have nothing to fear or worry about! Do I still worry? - of course I do, I'm only human! But Jesus Christ gives me a 'peace that passes all understanding'.
If you don't know Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, can I invite you to pick up a Holy Bible and read it!?
Or attend a local christian church service some sunday! Remember that God loves you, and wants you to come home to him today!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Guns in America and the crazy people who do harm with them

I want to comment on, and give my 'two cents worth' on the recent tragic shooting in Arizona that wounded a U.S. congresswoman, and wounded or killed many others. I grew up around firearms, and learned to safely shoot and handle a firearm. I shot a .22 rifle in Boy Scouts, and in hunter safety training through the Department of Natural Resources in my state. I also shot tin cans and paper targets with a .22 revolver that belonged to my parents. I shot a 20 gauge shotgun at clay pigeons, and a 12 gauge (only once), while hunting with my uncle for ducks. Because of this, I respect firearms and am comfortable around them. I do not fear guns - only the person holding one. At one time in America when a large percentage of Americans lived in rural communities, a gun was just another tool like a shovel or a saw. I feel safer in my home because I have a powerful rifle for home defense and protection. I know there are no guarantees in life, but I like knowing I can protect my home and family. By Gods grace, I pray I'll never have to use my rifle to shoot someone in self defense. My sons and I also have experience in karate, but in the same way, I do not want to have to use my karate skills against someone else. When I see signs on public buildings saying 'guns banned on these premises', it doesn't make me feel safer - I would rather know that there are people in that building who have a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Crazy killers with guns don't care a whit about signs banning guns or any laws that prohibit them. God bless the victims and brave bystanders of this tragedy, and may justice be served on the criminal(s).