Monday, January 10, 2011

Guns in America and the crazy people who do harm with them

I want to comment on, and give my 'two cents worth' on the recent tragic shooting in Arizona that wounded a U.S. congresswoman, and wounded or killed many others. I grew up around firearms, and learned to safely shoot and handle a firearm. I shot a .22 rifle in Boy Scouts, and in hunter safety training through the Department of Natural Resources in my state. I also shot tin cans and paper targets with a .22 revolver that belonged to my parents. I shot a 20 gauge shotgun at clay pigeons, and a 12 gauge (only once), while hunting with my uncle for ducks. Because of this, I respect firearms and am comfortable around them. I do not fear guns - only the person holding one. At one time in America when a large percentage of Americans lived in rural communities, a gun was just another tool like a shovel or a saw. I feel safer in my home because I have a powerful rifle for home defense and protection. I know there are no guarantees in life, but I like knowing I can protect my home and family. By Gods grace, I pray I'll never have to use my rifle to shoot someone in self defense. My sons and I also have experience in karate, but in the same way, I do not want to have to use my karate skills against someone else. When I see signs on public buildings saying 'guns banned on these premises', it doesn't make me feel safer - I would rather know that there are people in that building who have a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Crazy killers with guns don't care a whit about signs banning guns or any laws that prohibit them. God bless the victims and brave bystanders of this tragedy, and may justice be served on the criminal(s).